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[h1=概述]MoreAutomation 是一个原版风格的自动化模组。有了 MoreAutomation 模组,你可以搭建更多的自动化产线,包括更方便的农场、物品分拣、运输等。[h2=玩法]已添加的机器(此列表对最新版本 1.4.0 有效):Auto Workbench(自动工作台);Placer(方块放置器);Harvester(收割机);Transporter(物品转运器);Filter(过滤器);Transpositioner(实体...
...useful and unique features to enhance your Thaumcraft experience. Additionally, we're focusing primarily on automation and adding choices to make Thaumcraft more feasible for multiplayer servers.Another part of my mod is an API for other developers to easily add their own golem cores, something that Thaumcraft 4 left out for the modders for some reason.So, if you're a developer and interested in that go ahead and read the API section...